In an era of documentation, we get to choose what story to tell
Auto- Visual Ethnography in process. This is an example of a piece that I created as an example of work that could be produced when using expressive arts based techniques. This was my first attempt at trying this out, incorporating multiple tools to express my emotions creatively.
I documented my journey, part of which you cannot see here. Initially I recorded myself speaking and processing my thoughts to the camera, which then gave me the fuel to go out there and do, go out there and just be! Struggling with the concept of 'being understood' can often get in the way or the action. Through using expressive arts, I was able to dislodge what was stuck.
This creative process was made up off (In order)
-Self reflection, speaking to the camera, recoding and processing thoughts
-Going into nature
-Spoken word Words in flow
-Mandala Art
-Film creation and editing
During this 6 months programme, I worked with an expressive arts based therapist and friend Katie Fotis to host Wellbeing sessions for young people. This group was called 'True colours'. This group was set up to give them skills to better their mental health ands wellbeing and utilised creative expressive arts. Part of this programme, included teaching them how to use the camera to tell their stories using the camera, giving the, skills in filming and sound recording.
Here is a selection of art that I have produced through 'I'm Lost Too', dating back to 2018.
Please hover/ click to enlarge.
These include:
My work with diary entries
Work during my 100 days of art
Digital Art
Photography (BTS)
I'm Not sure if this allowed, but below are my instagram profile handles for more visuals.
Here is a selection of creative projects that I have produced. These mostly include funded projects from Walthams Forest Council and The Big local, alongside collaborations with community members.
Please hover/ click to enlarge.
These include:
-Community projects
​-Magazine and Zine making
-Music and poetry events
-Cafe/Community Business